Saturday, January 26, 2008

January 27-February 2 Read: 1 Nephi 14 -1 Nephi 18

This weeks reading is as follows:

Sunday: 1 Nephi 14
-What are stumbling blocks?
-Read Ether 12:27 Mark and memorize

Monday: 1 Nephi 15

Tuesday: 1 Nephi 16:1-20

Wednesday: 1 Nephi 16:20-39
-Do we ever murmur when things aren’t going right?
-We must remind ourselves not to murmur!

Thursday: 1 Nephi 17:1 – 29
-1 Nephi 17:3 cross reference to 1 Nephi 3:7 re-read them together

Friday: 1 Nephi 17:30 – 55
-1 Ne. 17:45 What does it mean to be past feeling?
-Have you ever felt like that?
-Laman and Lemuel heard the word of the Lord but did not feel the spirit.
-What can we do to feel the spirit more in our lives?

Saturday: 1 Nephi 18

Weekly Reading Ideas:

-Make paper boats when you read about building the boat. What would you take with you?

Something to Think About:

-The Liahona worked according to their faith. We can also receive revelation according to our faith.

Thank you for all of your comments last week. Lets see if we can encourage others to comment.


Chris said...

I was reviewing an old Ensign today and ran across this quote by President Ezra Taft Benson that is somewhat prophetic of our 2008 theme of "Experiment on the Word," "I have a vision of homes alerted, of classes alive, and of pulpits aflame with the spirit of Book of Mormon messages...I have a vision of the whole Church getting nearer to God by abiding by the precepts of the Book of Mormon." The Book of Mormon brings such strength of the spirit's flame within us. It is awesome. C. Oesterle

Chris Storey said...

When you asked you have any stumbling blocks, I thought OH there will be lotsa responses! My biggest stumbling block is the society. It is hard to follow the Lord's way at times when the world think there way is the best. Plus raising a family teaching them to follow the Lord's way instead of the World's Way. Do you ever murmur? Yeah I do but I always try to count my blessing. While I was studying I realized it was the first time that Lehi murmured in the BOM. What I love is how Nephi still went and asked his Dad where he should go to hunt? Nephi could of easily just asked himself but he asked his father where to go. It tells you that he still knew who to ask. I think we need to give people a chance to repent and change. I really enjoy studying the BOM again.
Chris Storey

Williams Family said...

I love the storey of Nephi building a ship. The Lord commands that he builds a ship and instead of saying, I don't know how to build a ship he quickly responds by asking where he should go to get molten so he can make tools. What faith! It reminds me that if we have faith we can do whatever the Lord commands. We can serve in difficult calling, we can pay our tithing in difficult times, we can even tie our tounge when we have been offended. What a great lesson of faith. I am going to practice my faith in that more people will respond next week :)


M & J Jolley said...

How intriguing it has been this week to learn how Nephi relied heavily on the Lord. He heard the vision and went and enquired more. Unlike his brothers, Nephi experimented and asked the true source for help and took the time to listen. Also, how firm his unshakeable faith was even when it was put to the test. We are all given challenges of different magnitudes in life. I have found that there are two choices when they come. I can either get flustered and do nothing, causing bitterness and depression, or pray for help and get to work. The second has always worked. I become happier and I am closer to the Lord. Just like it did for Nephi.


Constance said...

“I did pray oft unto the Lord; wherefore the Lord showed unto me great things” ( 1 Ne. 18:3).

Nephi provides a marvelous example that when I pray often and seek to know the Lord’s will, the Lord shows me the way. That path may not include building a ship, as it was for Nephi, but some of the tasks that the Lord asks me to do sometimes feel as overwhelming. Nephi shows me that if I will pray and then faithfully follow, the Lord will provide all that I need to complete those tasks.