Monday, February 4, 2008

February 3-9 Read 1 Nephi 19---2 Nephi 2

This weeks reading is as follows:

Sunday: 1 Nephi 19
  • Mark 1 Nephi 19:23
  • How can I liken the scriptures to my life?
Monday: 1 Nephi 20

Tuesday: 1 Nephi 21

Wednesday: 1 Nephi 22

Thursday: 2 Nephi 1 vs 1-12 and Versus 21-23
  • Why is it so important that the people of this nation obey God's commandments? (1-12)
  • What does Lehi teach about how to be a man? (21-23)

Friday: 2 Nephi 2:1-16

Saturday: 2 Nephi 2: 17-30

  • Mark, memorize and discuss 2 Nephi 2:25 (See footnote for "joy")
  • Mark 2 Nephi 2:27

Weekly Reading Ideas:

  • Start a Heroes/Anti-Heroes Chart (good guys/bad guys)
  • ie Good=Nephi, Lehi, Sam
  • ie Bad= Laman Lemuel

Please share your thoughts throughout the week



harry said...

Well,well..look at that, the Frisbees are blogging in, what a treat. Isn't technology fabulous ? There are no more barriers and distance is no longer an issue. It is like we could have a world wide testimony meeting right here in our homes. I wonder sometimes if that Gates guy wasn't inspired....I pray that all of us will embrace the assignment and read until the lights go out. you know, I sometimes read about my new fishing pole or the new bow I just bought and I am curious how it works and how well it performs and what I can do with it. Everytime I read the Book of Mormon, I am curious (I hope I spell curious right) what I am going to learn how I can apply it in my life how can I use it to teach my family....When I read the instruction of my new things I find out more about them and I get to know its function. Well if I read in the Book of Mormon, I get to know Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. I learn more about their role in my life and how I can get closer to them. I am just going to keep reading and see what happens, I hope you do too.

Tim said...

I have been thinking alot about the timing in the Book of Mormon and how many years pass in the short verses that we read. From the time they left Jerusalem until our current reading is approximately 30 years. That's 3/4 of my entire lifetime. I think back on all the events of the last 30 years in my life and it begins to make a bigger impact what this family went through. This wasn't just entries in someone's journal. They actually lived through all these trials and triumphs. I soar to think of Nephi's faithfulness and courage, but I also am able to empathize with the difficulty that the Murmur Twins had. Faced with the challenges of our day, I can see myself in both places, that of Nephi and Laman/Lemuel. Is that bad to say that I can relate to Laman even as I strive to be more like Nephi?

Constance said...

Jon started something fun at our house. At the end of each day's reading, he starts us on a "pop quiz" about what we've just read. It helps everyone to pay close attention because you never know which detail you may be quizzed about.

You can take an online quiz about 2 Nephi here:

Frisbies Forever said...

There have been certain phrases that have stood out to us as a family. Mostly,
"I did liken all scriptures unto us, that it might be for our profit and learning." What things we can learn about ourselves as we hunker down and pray with a full heart and ask in all humility to help you to understand. The blessings of heaven are opened and light rests upon your shoulders. Sometimes it even hurts when we realize all things may not be in accordance to His plan. That is the beauty of repentance! We can change!
"Hear ye the words of the prophet,...liken unto yourselves" We have loved as we have studied this lesson how often it says, Hearken, Come, Go forth, I will... He invites us so many times to come to Him in so many ways. So many promises encased that no matter what life may hurl itself against you and yours, He will support you. We love the promises of the Book of Mormon. It is always positive in a world enshrouded in darkness.

harry said...

I wonder sometimes what it takes for someone to see the light. I am looking at Laman and lemuel and the many instances that they were given signs and miracles and even the strength of Heavenly Father was made known unto them. yet in the end the result was not as Lehi desired at all. As we struggle to become better people and to teach and influence our family and friends we have to realize that some people are just not willing to change or even to listen. It is a personal choice we all have to make and ultimately we will face the consequences of our choices - good or bad --. Thankfully we have the Book of Mormon that clearely shows us the outcomes of choices people have made and we can learn from that and decide what outcome we want for us. I am so greatful for this great tool we have been given.

Chris Storey said...

I love reading the scriptures. They bring me so much joy in life. Before I joined the church I had no Idea about the plan of salvation. I am so grateful for my Heavenly Father giving me the blessing to live in these latter days with the scriptures.