Tuesday, May 20, 2008

May 25 - May 31, 2008 Read Alma 34:28-41 - Alma 41:15

This weeks reading is as follows:
Sunday: Alma 34:28- Alma 35:16

Monday: Alma 36:1-24

Tuesday: Alma 36:25-30 - Alma 37:1-29

Wednesday: Alma 37:30-47

Thursday: Alma 38:1-15 -Alma 39:1-14

Friday: Alma 39:15 - Alma 40:1-18

Saturday: Alma 40:19-26 - Alma 41:1-15

Please see the weekly handout that the Young Women's organization has provided.


Williams Family said...

This posting is a week early since I will be out of town. So please don't respond until afte the 25 of May. I do love Alma 37:6-7 Small and simple ......

I have always intepreted this scripture differently than most people. I figure that if I don't do the small and simple things in my life like praying, reading, service, home teaching, etc Then I will let the small things destroy me and my testimony. Living the gospel is easy if we do the small and simple things.


Tim said...

I read about Alma and the pain of soul that he endured for 3 days as he lay unconscious. Then I think of D&C 19 and all the warnings to repent or suffer. President Eyring once said that he mistakenly felt that the choice was to either repent or not repent. But We can not expect to go on sinning without the consequences forwarned. Without "suffering even as I(Jesus) have suffered". Certainly the Lord has done everything He can to prevent us from having to endure such a torment and he will continue to do everything to ensure our happiness, but how many of us seem to want to walk over that thorny path ourselves rather than become humble and admit that we don't, can't and never will have the power to overcome our sins alone.

Chris Storey said...

11 Suffer not yourself to be led away by any vain or foolish thing; suffer not the devil to lead away your heart again after those wicked harlots. Behold, O my son, how great iniquity ye brought upon the Zoramites; for when they saw your conduct they would not believe in my words.

This scripture touch me so much. When we have kids and we teach them and then they go against what you taught them, do people believe me anymore?
I have a testimony of this gospel and it helps me so much in this life.
Living the gospel can be easy when we do the simple things that can build our fondation in the gospel.
I just take one day at a time and live the best I can.

Constance said...

I loved reading all of the words of wisdom that Alma gave to his sons in the chapters this week.

"Our Heavenly Father has placed an upward reach in every one of us. The words of scripture speak loud and clear: 'Look to God and live' (Alma 37:47). No problem is too small for His attention nor so large that He cannot answer the prayer of faith. Prayer surely is the passport to spiritual power. You can pray with purpose when you realize who you are and what Heavenly Father wants you to become." (President Thomas S. Monson, “Your Celestial Journey,” Ensign, May 1999, 96)

Sister Storey, I believe you. You have a good heart and a firm testimony. Our children may not yet realize who they are and they sometimes make choices we wish they wouldn't. Keep teaching them, keep praying for them, and keep loving them...keep doing the small and simple things. I know you will see the reward for your efforts.