Sunday, June 8, 2008

June 8-14 2008 Read Alma 50:27--Alma 57:16

This weeks reading is as follows:

Sunday: Alma 49:19 -- 50:27

Monday: Alma 50:28 -- 51:20

Tuesday: Alma 51:21 -- 52:21

Wednesday: Alma 52:22 - 53:19

Thursday: Alma 53:20 -- 55:17

Friday: Alma 55:18- 56:30

Saturday: Alma 56:31 -- 57:16


Randy said...

Any Ward members needing a place to stay please due to the flooding call the Randy @ 504-2503 we have lots of space.

Williams Family said...

Even though it is soon to be Fathers day. Aren't we grateful for our mothers. The story of the 2000 stripling warriors always reminds me of the importance of motherhood. Watching all of our ward members coming together to help each other in a time of need is a living testimony that our mothers are raising us right in the latter days.


Constance said...

The stripling warriors' fathers brought supplies. That is echoed in the efforts today to help those in need. The stripling warriors were led valiantly by their "adopted" father. Our fathers continue to lead us in righteousness. They too are raising us right in the latter days.